Africa without poverty
Empowering the future of Africa by addressing poverty: Unveiling Bottlenecks, Crafting Solutions.
We are convinced that at the root of Africa’s problems with development is endemic poverty: the systemic and ingrained economic condition where a significant portion of the population consistently experiences low income, lack of access to basic resources, and limited opportunities for improvement. We believe that the phenomenon of poverty is rooted in various factors such as economic inequalities, bad governance, social structures, insufficient educational opportunities, and inadequate access to healthcare, creating a cycle that is challenging to break without targeted interventions. Therefore, we seek to identify and illuminate challenges impeding Africa's development and advocate for evidence-based sustainable policy solutions.
We are committed to conducting rigorous research and analysis to unearth the root causes of these challenges and provide evidence-based solutions that empower communities, governments, and stakeholders. We believe in a future where every African nation thrives, where prosperity is shared equitably, and where unnecessary obstacles do not impede development. Our organization is dedicated to serving as a catalyst for positive change and empowering African nations to break free from poverty in all its forms.
Our Core Focus
We envision a future where Africa thrives STEEPLY.
We are dedicated to playing a pivotal role in unraveling challenges, fostering collaboration, and advancing policy solutions that contribute to a prosperous and resilient Africa in the STEEP domains
Social Development
Reproductive Health and Education
Technological advancement
Artificial Intelligence for Development [AI4D]
Economic development
Youth Unemployment
Climate Change
Promotion of Democratic Governance
Our Core Principles
We hold the following as core values we cherish and allow ourselves to be guided by:
In-Depth Research
We conduct thorough, data-driven research to unearth the underlying challenges inhibiting Africa's poverty eradication and development. By dissecting complex issues, we provide a clear and comprehensive understanding of the bottlenecks hindering progress.
Evidence-Based Advocacy
Armed with compelling evidence, we advocate for sustainable policy changes at local, national, and continental levels to accelerate the eradication of poverty across the continent. Our goal is to influence decision-makers to adopt strategic, forward-thinking solutions that address the root causes of developmental bottlenecks in a sustainable manner.
Inclusivity and Collaboration
We foster a culture of inclusivity and collaboration, recognizing the diverse perspectives and expertise necessary for effective problem-solving in our joint efforts to end poverty on the continent. By engaging with governments, non-governmental organizations, academia, and communities, we build coalitions that amplify our impact.
Transparency, Accountability, and Zero Tolerance for Fraud
We are committed to the highest level of transparency, accountability, and intolerance for fraud in our operations and the information we disseminate. By maintaining the highest standards of integrity, we aim to build trust among our donors, stakeholders, and the public.
Capacity Building
We invest in the capacity building of individuals, communities, and institutions, empowering them to contribute to poverty eradication and sustainable development. Through education and skill-building initiatives, we strive to create a cadre of informed advocates and policymakers who can drive positive change.
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Join us in our mission to create a prosperous and resilient Africa. Together, we can make a lasting impact.
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